Hi, I notice most of the new designs being released on Vexels are AI-generated. How do I know? AI-generated images always have problems. Many of these problems tend to be minor and overlooked, but as a graphic designer, every detail matters! For examples, see the attached images. The chameleon looks weird, above the birds beak are weird holes, the man is part of the shark’s mouth, the door is a different shape to the door hinge and the cow doesn’t know how many wheels are on his skates. I don’t want these problems on my T-Shirts. I miss the real art Vexels used to do. Please limit the amount of AI graphics you produce and hire some more artists! Make a stand and stand-out from the crown by highlighting the artwork that is ‘AI-generated’ so we can see what’s what. I know AI is the easy route, but easy is not usually the best. I feel sorry for the next generation of Vexels users if most of the content is produced by a robot. Please avoid this!